
One day I  was driving to work, listening to the radio (only because they had Metallica on) and suddenly the radio went wonky, and static. A raspy voice came on and said I’m coming. I thought nothing of it and went on with my day. Suddenly during break a chill came down my spine, when the speakers emitted the same thing nobody else heard it though. I thought I was going mad. Yeah that was it I was going mad. When I got home I was watching tv, and the screen cut out. It was black a figure started coming out of the tv. then surprise! I said my birthday was last month.

2 thoughts on “100wc#16

  1. Eli,
    You’ll need to include the 7 prompt words:
    …”It’s not like last year,” he thought….

    Make them bold also so the reader can find them easily.
    Thank you!
    Mrs. P

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